Anyway, Easter was, as usual, a quiet family day. Dean's grandparents came up on Saturday and went to church with us in the morning and then we all ate brunch at Toni and Jason's house. The boys got a few little Easter gifts in the morning and then we did an egg hunt after brunch at the Sims' house.
The weather around here has been beautiful! Today we went over to the school and played a bit. The boys have been really into baseball the last few days. They have been playing catch with Dean in the backyard and today they practiced hitting over at the school.
Austin and Griffen also played for while at the playground. It has been so nice to have the sun shining and finally feel like winter is over. I also got a little more of the flower beds cleaned up. I will have to take some pictures soon as the flowers are coming in.
Last but certainly not least. Dean has been busy building me my valentine/birthday/mother's day gift. I have been asking for a wall of shelves for probably three years now, ever since we took over the downstairs of our house. Dean built a small little shelving unit, when we got the tv, to hold the dvd player, cable box, movies, etc. Well, I took to suggesting that we expend that little shelf to go across the whole wall and go up and around the tv. Finally, three years later, I am getting my shelves. They look AMAZING! Dean would never admit it but he is really good at building things. I feel very lucky that I have such a handy husband!
The boys even got in on the project and helped with the sanding. Now all that is left is to finish painting them!