Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Ending the School Year

We had a big end of the school year last week.  Both Griffen and Jake had "graduations" as they each finished a big milestone year. 

Our little guy has officially finished up his kindergarten year and is now a big first grader. His teacher invited the parents to a little performance on the last day. I had gotten a little preview as I had heard Griff practicing his song as he was playing. Here is the video of the class singing it. 

He loved his teacher (she was pretty great!) and best of all he made a really great friend. They are the cutest pair and are pretty much glued to each other. I am so thankful that they found each other and that they play SOOOOOO well together. 

Austin didn't have a graduation but is also now an official 4th grader. He did pretty well this year.; He is definitely a social guy and LOVES to be in class with his friends.  He is a math wiz and loves to do random acts of math. I remember a couple of times at home I had asked him to find something to do so he grabbed a piece of paper and found (& even made up) some numbers to add together until he filled the whole page with a really large number. We are so thankful that Austin has been blessed with some great friends as well.

 Our big to-do was for Jake this year as he finished up his last year at Geneva Elementary. We got to go to the 5th Grade Celebration on Wednesday and see a video of the kids from the year. Then on the last day we headed up to the school to take part in the 5th grade tunnel. All of the parents, teachers, and other students line the walkway outside the front doors and cheer on the 5th graders as they leave for the last time. Jake was really looking forward to this and was one of the first ones out the door. Watch for the yellow shirt to the right who is RUNNING out the doors. :). 

We celebrated by meeting some friends at a park and playing for awhile. One of my friends asked how I was doing with all of the graduations this year, wondering if I was emotional because of it. I let her know that Griffen finishing kindergarten was the one getting me the most, Jake going to middle school will most likely hit in the fall when we go to orientation. But for now, we are going to enjoy our summer and hope that the sun will be shining soon!