Saturday, September 4, 2010

Time at the Beach

A couple of weeks ago we went down to Dean's parents for the annual Rice Family Reunion.  It is a full weekend of catching up with family, having fun, and eating really well.  On Saturday we have an auction that raises the money for next year's reunion.  Everyone brings a wrapped present and they all get auctioned off.  You never know what you're going to get until you buy it.  We were blessed this year with great weather and we also got to spend some extra time there as Dean and I both had vacation the following week.  The boys had actually been at the beach all week with their grandparents and Dean's sister Toni and her family.  Dean and I and our two little house guests left EARLY (3am) on Saturday morning and arrived at the beach in time for yummy waffles.   Here are some pictures of our time there.

We do tie-dye shirts for the kids each year.  This year they got really fancy with lots of colors!

Auction Time

1 comment:

Buhler family said...

What a fun time with family!
Did you get some goods for the Christmas elephant gift exchange at the auction?