Friday, March 20, 2009

Quick Update

So I haven't posted in awhile and thought I should give a quick update on where we are at with the foster parent licensing. Well... we are hopefully close for real this time. Last week we got a call that the only thing holding things up was that they didn't have one of our references. This was frustrating news because we knew that the one missing had been sent back at the beginning of this process. As of yesterday, the licensor called my dear sister-in-law (the missing reference) and was able to help her get the forms online. Toni then filled them out and got them in the mail yesterday as well. So, if all goes well with the mail, they should have everything by early next week and our application and home study will go to the supervisor for approval.

As frustrating as all of these delays have been, when I think about it, I am glad for the delay at least right at this moment. With the craziness of starting my new job and trying to figure out how our routine is going to flow now, I can't imagine how crazy things would have seemed if the new job AND a new little one in our family came at the same time. The job is going great by the way and I am feeling like I am getting into a routine. There are still a few things that I need to figure out when to do them, the most important being exercise. I haven't exercised in a few weeks and am feeling and seeing the effects of it. So this next week I will be finding the best time to get some much needed exercise each day.

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