Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to you all. I hope all of you mothers have had a great day with your families. We have had a quiet day here in Bellingham. I was woken up by my boys this morning with flowers, stories, and poems. My gift from Dean is that we are redoing the laundry room! YEAH!! I actually am excited about it. This past week Dean moved the hot water heater to the garage (with help from a friend of his who is a plumber) and now we are going to take out the old cupboards and paint and put in new shelves and a new washer and new dryer.

Yesterday we were getting back into life at home more as Jacob had a skateboarding class through the parks and rec department and Austin had his last soccer game. Jacob had a good time learning a few basic things with his skateboard. I was able to watch him and not intervene for the most part. There was a lot of time for the boys to try things on their own and I did have a bit of a hard time not going in to hold onto him while he was practicing (falling down looks like it hurts). He actually didn't fall much and is getting a little more confident on his board.

I didn't make it to Austin's last game as Griffen was definately in need of a nap and the game was at 1:00. But the report was that he did well and has enjoyed this season of soccer. He is getting better at following the ball and even getting a bit more aggressive and going after the ball instead of just watching it go past him. Now he is really wanting to try baseball now.


dawn klinge said...

Happy Mother's day Kim. Your boys look so cute in these pictures.

Wentworth Family Blog said...

Sounds like a wonderful Mothers Day. I love getting home improvement projects done. One on my presents this year was new kitchen flooring. yeah!