November 10, 1998 at 3:20pm. Our big boy was born weighing 9 lbs. 9oz.
Gosh, I can't believe that Jacob is ten years old. It really seems that he should still be that little guy running around the house with that cute little voice. He is such an amazing kiddo and I am so proud of him. He has always been very determined (and a bit stubborn) which has served him well since he was very young. I can still hear his little voice saying, "I do it myself!" Even if he was struggling to pick up something he always wanted to do it himself. He also always seemed to hear me when I expressed a concern to his Occupational Therapist because when we would get home he would prove me wrong. For example, I remember telling her that he wasn't even trying to pull himself up to stand and wouldn't you know it, when we got home he immediately crawled over to his play table and pulled up to stand. Then he looked at me like "What are you talking about mom? I can do that!"
Jake loves to be like dad.
My sweet boy!
He was such and EASY baby. He had himelf on a very predictable schedule and LOVED to sleep. When we noticed that he was really favoring his left hand we were worried about what it would mean for him as he grew. Well, even though it did take him a little longer to reach some of the big milestones his determination got him there. I think that he just needed to be confident in his ability to do something (like walking) before he actually would do it. When he did walk all on his own, it seemed to be out of the blue. I remember that he was standing at the couch petting the kitties then he turned and took 4-5 steps toward me like it was no big deal. After that there was no stopping him.
Jake can be pretty funny too!
First day of kindergarten, 2004. Jake and his cousin Jordan are great friends. We are so blessed to live so close. (We were even neighbors for 5 years)
Jake's big surgery to lengthen his tendon, summer 2005.
He has always been the cautious one of the boys but as his brothers have gotten older, and more adventurous, he has come out of his shell a bit. He is also our concrete thinker who really loves science. He still likes learning about space though not quite as much as he did a few years ago. His all time favorite topic is any type of computer or video game. Just ask anyone he talks to. He will talk your ear off about Mario or the latest game he found on the computer. You would think that is all he ever does (really we don't let him play twenty four seven).
Jake and Jordan at the pumpkin patch. Still great friends!
He is a great big brother who can be so kind and loving toward his two little brothers. I have overheard him trying to explain things to Griffen in such a patient and loving way, it melts my heart. I am excited to see what the next ten years has for him. I pray that he will continue to have a few good friends who can be a great support for him. Most of all, I pray that he will find his greatest source of strength and support in Jesus. I pray that the sweet, sensitive side of him will not cause him too much saddness as he grows through junior high and high school but that it will help him be sensitive tho others around him.
Kindergarten graduation at church.
As I have been looking at old pictures, I found the prayer that was written for his dedication at church when he was about 3 months old. It reads, "May he be like the transformed Jacob, marked as one who without compromising, holds on to those things that are pleasing in God's sight (1 Cor. 15:1-2). Grant him success in everything his hands find to do, and may his ministry bring great blessing to many (Joshua 1:6-7) May he also be a good steward and caretaker of all he has (Matt. 25:14-30). Whether his resources are small or great. We pray that in every way Jacob would be a good provider for his family, and a spiritual example in whatever setting he finds himself (ph. 6:5-9: 1 Thess. 1:5b-10)." This prayer was written by the pastor of our church at the time, Bob Stone, and was based on the meanings of Jacob's first and middle names. Jacob means, "one who clutches" and Dean means "abundant supplier" This prayer, as I have rediscovered it, is still my prayer for him today.
We love you very much Jake! Happy Birthday!
1 comment:
That was a beautiful tribute to your son. Happy Birthday to Jacob!
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