Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy Three Days

Wow. It has been nonstop activity here in the Hendrickson household. Thursday started out as usual with playgroup but then I was helping get together a birthday gift for one of Austin's teachers and then it was time for the first grade music performance. We headed up to the school, along with many other parents, and watched as the first graders sang a few songs about colors, rainbows, and growing. My favorite song was one that they sang about 4 hugs a day was the minimum. Austin seemed to really enjoy performing with his friends. By the way, he is on the far left side (red group) second from the top on the very end.

Friday was another busy day with grocery shopping and other errands and then taking Jacob to a model rocket building class. This class, through the parks and rec department, is for 8-10 year olds and they each got to build a rocket and then launch them twice. As you can see in the pictures, Jacob had a great time. His first launch went well though the parachute didn't open (most of the other ones didn't either) His second launch was good too except this time the nose and parachute separated from the body of the rocket. After his second launch we had to run to grab dinner and then it was off to parents night out co-op. What is this? Everyother Friday night there are 9 families that trade watching the kids while the others get a date night. We all go to the church & two set of parents stay with the kids there. Last night we were one of the couples on duty so no date for us. But it is definately worth it when we get to go out.

Today we got busy working and playing outside. I finally got most of the flower beds cleaned and weeded. I even have flowers blooming finally. My poppies are doing so great this year! I am even posting a picture of them (a request from my mom) I also took a picture of my favorite bush. The white flowers aren't around very long, but boy is it pretty while they are. We also got a couple of rainbows left on our driveway and Griffen had lots of fun playing in the dirt. Tomorrow we need to do a little cleaning inside.

1 comment:

dawn klinge said...

Hi Kim,
I'm enjoying your blog so much. Your boys are so cute and it's fun being able to keep up on what you and your family are up to. That babysitting co-op sounds like a great plan.