Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Phone Rang....

...late Friday morning as the boys and I finished getting the first half of the grocery shopping put away. (We were breaking our normal errand trip into two since we had the Teacher Meet and Greet at the school at noon.) Anyway, the phone rang with the caller id saying "unavailable" so I let the answering machine pick up. When it got to the time for the message to be left, a voice at the other end introduced himself and I instantly recognized the name of the respite coordinator for DCFS who is also filling in for the placement coordinator. I quickly grabbed the phone and caught him before he hung up. He was calling because he was looking for a house for a little two year old girl that was being "picked up" that day. I told him that I needed to talk to my husband and would get back to him.

So, I called Dean to let him know about the phone call and to get his thoughts which were summed up with, "that's why we are licensed right?" So I called the coordinator back and said we would take her. He told me that the workers would call us when they had her to let us know how/when to pick her up. Now I was in a bit of a dilemma, I still needed to get to the rest of my errands but didn't want to be far from our phone. Before you ask, yes, they had my cell number but I also knew that one of the stores I was going to be spending a lot of time in I don't have reception in. So we stayed home and waited.

Finally, at about 4:30 they called and said that they were going out to find her and then they would call when they were on their way to bring her to us. So once again we waited....and waited....and waited. Finally the phone rang again at 10:30 and they let us know that they still had a little more paperwork and should be to our house in an hour or so. It wasn't until about midnight that they were able to get here and brought us the sweetest little girl who is really only about one.

Our first full day and a half has gone pretty smoothly. She is pretty easy going and is a great sleeper so far. She loves being around the boys and Dean even said that she cried yesterday when the boys ran downstairs to play but then perked up when he took her down there too.

As of right now we only know that she is with us right now. We don't know anything else. We could have her for a few days, weeks, months...we don't know. Hopefully this next week we will get to know more but for right now we will enjoy her while we have her.


Buhler family said...

She is the cutest little girl! You always knew that one day that phone would ring, when you least expected. What a blessing that she has a family right now that can give her so much love and security.

dawn klinge said...

I've been thinking about you and your family a lot since you posted on Facebook about this. I'm glad to read that it's going well.