Sunday, September 28, 2008

What We've Been Up To

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday were filled with the first three of five foster parent classes. We have been learning a lot about the foster care system and the kiddos that come through that system. This class is one of the biggest steps in getting liscenced and on our way to finding the child that God wants as part of our family. It is exciting and a bit overwhelming at the same time. Our book (in the picture) is SO big and heavy, it seems that it should take more than the 27 hours of class time that we will end up with. There are about 40 people in our class and it seems that a lot are also looking to go the foster-adopt route like us. There are also others who already have specific children in mind which are usually family. Having Toni and Jason (Dean's sister and brother-in-law) in the same class has been such a blessing. I am excited to see where God is taking all of us in this journey.

As far as our "process" goes. We have two more classes, Friday night and all day Saturday. We are about ready to mail in our application. All that is left on that is to photocopy a few things, sign it, and mail it. Then we will need to get fingerprints done, first aid/cpr classes and have our homestudy and home inspection done. We do need to get a few little things done around the house before the inspection but they are small and easy so I am not that worried about those. They say that it takes about 90 days to get your liscence so we could be official foster parents at the beginning of 2009! Tonight at diiner we were talking to the boys about what they thought about getting a little sister. They all said, "NO! Another brother!!!!" So I told them that if we got another boy that I would have to start dressing them in pretty pink dresses and that they would be getting lots and lots of dolls and Barbies for their birthdays and Christmas. They all groaned and shouted, "NO WAY!!!" They crack me up sometimes. Austin was very cute and chimed in saying, "I know why you want a girl mom. So you aren't outnumbered anymore." What a cute and thoughtful boy he is. (I might let him off the pink dress hook. hehehe)

1 comment:

dawn klinge said...

Wow...that's quite a book! I'm excited about what's in store for your family. Trent told me the other day that he's praying for a baby for our family. ;)