Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ah...the Lazy Days of Summer

The weather has been so great the last few days that we finally dug out the swimming pool yesterday. The boys were so excited that they couldn't wait until it was all filled before getting in. We had talked about going to the aquatic center yesterday as our family adventure but it was so hot that we thought it was silly to swim indoors so we stayed home and played in our little pool instead. I even got in at one point though it was quite an adjustment since the water basically felt like it was a melted iceberg.

The boys didn't mind one bit and really had fun. They played in it more today and even got into a huge splashing contest. Hopefully the weather will continue to be great and we can enjoy the pool for awhile longer.

We also went across the street for a little while today. Jake and Austin decided after about 3 minutes that it was too hot to be there and they headed back home. Griff and I and our little girl for the week stayed and played for awhile. I did take pictures but as she is a foster kiddo we aren't able to post them on the web so you will just have to take my word that she is adorable and had fun at the park.

This week I am hoping to get some pictures taken of our house and do some posts with them. I read a blog that was doing "Show us Where You Live Fridays" and I thought it was a great idea but I didn't do any at that time. While in Wenatchee, I was talking to my cousin who said that I should do some posts of the house and looking at my "official" followers, 4 out of the 6 haven't been here and the 5th hasn't been here in a couple of years so I will try to do that this week. In theory it should be the perfect week since Jake and Austin will be at day camp all week and the house SHOULD stay clean longer than it has been. So...there...I have committed to it and now have to do it. I will also do a post on our first little week of fostering.

Hope you all are having fun in the sun!


dawn klinge said...

An icy cold swimming pool is definitely the place to be these past few days!
I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts. :)

Anonymous said...

Interesting about not being able to post pictures. I always thought that was a no-no too, but I know of someone who regularly posts pics of hers on facebook...
Anyway, can't wait to hear about your week of fostering and getting a virtual tour of the house :D